In this section of E Hindi Lyrics, lyrics have been listed by popular categories like birthday songs, Engagement songs, shaadi songs, friendship songs, festival songs (Diwali songs,  Raksha Bandhan songs, Holi songs, Eid  songs, Christmas songs etc).

On top of above popular categories we have listed few miscellaneous songs like Qawwali, Devotional Hindi songs, Romantic Hindi Songs, Sad and sentimental, Ghazals, pop songs, album songs etc.

Festival songs:
  1. Diwali songs 
  2. Raksha Bandhan songs
  3. Holi songs
  4. Eid  songs
  5. Christmas songs
Songs related to relationship:
  1. Friendship songs
  2. Mother songs
  3. Father songs
  4. Bhaiya - Devar songs
  5. Brother - Sister songs
Occasional Songs:
  1. Shaadi Songs
  2. Engagement songs (Sagaai Songs)
  3. Birthday songs
  1. Qawwali
  2. Devotional Hindi songs
  3. Romantic Hindi Songs
  4. Sad and sentimental
  5. Ghazals
  6. Album songs